
Study In India

With several government scholarships available to help students finance their studies and a low cost-of-living, India is an affordable option for students seeking a high-quality education.

India has one of the largest higher education systems in the world, after China and the United States. It is also home to some of the oldest education institutes globally – Nalanda University, founded in the fifth century, is one of the oldest universities in the world and was reopened in 2010.

India’s higher education system is regulated by the University Grants Commission (UGC) a centralised agency. However, there is a great deal of diversity within the system, with universities and colleges offering different programs, curricula, and teaching methods. This gives students a range of options to choose from, depending on their interests and goals. The top Indian colleges are home to a large number of internationally renowned scientists, engineers, and medical professionals.

Most Indian Universities have established credit transfer articulation with leading international Universities which goes a long way in helping students with their academic progression.

If you’re considering studying in India, you’re sure to feel at home in this diverse and vibrant country thanks to its warm and welcoming people. Studying in India has become super popular because of the culture and cuisine that’s spread globally. There’s something for everyone in India.

Why study in India?
  1. Quality education beyond the classroom
  2. Diversity in Courses Offered
  3. India is home to inventions and discoveries from various avenues and they have been adopted by the world. 
  4. Holistic and Explorative Learning
  5.  Credit Transfer articulation with leading International Universities.
  6. English is a primary language. Since people belong to diverse backgrounds, a common medium for communication is needed and this purpose is again served by the English language.
  7. Avail Affordable Education
  8. Thrive in a Multicultural Society
  9. An Active Global Alumni Network
  10. Economical Lifestyle
  11. Student-Friendly and Easy Procedures
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    Diploma / Advanced Diploma
    Bachelors Degree
    Graduate Certificate / Postgraduate Diploma
    Masters Degree (Research / Coursework)
    Give Us A Chance To Prove It!

    95% of our students get admitted into their preffered Universities/Colleges.


    • 10thcertificate and mark sheet
    • 12thcertificate and mark sheet
    • Degree of every semester’s marks sheet and certificate
    • Degree Diploma backlog certificate (if available)
    • Work Experience documents – Appointment letter / Experience letter/ Relieving letter and Salary Slips (if available)
    • CV (Curriculum Vital)
    • National Identification Document – Passport/Aadhar Card etc.
    • Other certificates and achievements, record of extracurricular activities attented.
    • Statement of Purpose for studying a particular subject or attending a particular course.
    • Letter of recommendation from school/college teachers/referees (two to three required as stipulated by institutions).
    • Transfer certificate in case change in state.
    • Credit Card/ Debit Card/ UPI details etc.

    360 College Review provides comprehensive admission services package for Diplomas, Bachelors, MBA, MS and PhD programs for meeting all your admissions requirements.
    According to the type of admission package & targeted Universities/Colleges we help you in:

    • Profile : Evaluation and Enhancement
    • Identifying Referees : for exemplary referrals
    • Short Listing Universities/ Colleges for application : for 6 universities after detailed identifying and shortlisting process
    • Total Involvement : at every step
    • Preparation of application documents:
      • Statement of Purpose-Essential part of admissions into all top end Universities/Colleges. 
      • Letters of Recommendation – World-class referrals prepared for the referees.
      • Application essays – Word pictures forming astute descriptions to promote the authenticity of the applicant.
      • CV- Curriculum Vitae – Directed, concise projections of applicants.
    • Targeted Financial Planning– Focused approach for credibility and viability.
    • Interview and training services for admission– Group and one-on-one sessions.
    • Value-added services – Education loan, free score reporting etc.
    • Pre-programme orientation– A vital reinforcement step.

    Each Applicant gets full-powered individual attention, focus and direction.