
Has the MBA Lost It? Towards a Critique of the ROI(Return On Investment) Discourse of Business Education

In today’s competitive job market, many professionals wonder: For instance, ‘’is an MBA still worth it?’’ This question is about the worth of MBA degree that has been an issue of discussion and controversy in the current society. Now, let’s discuss the MBA ROI and if it is still wise to pursue an MBA.

MBA Saturation and Job Market Realities:

The number of MBA graduates has risen over the years, and this has made the job market to be flooded by people with MBA’s hence decreasing the prestige of the degree. This MBA job market saturation thus arises to mean that the mere possession of the MBA qualification would not be sufficient to secure an executive or a well paid position.

MBA Cost and salary potential:

MBA can be very expensive and the payback not always sure. MBA cost is an issue of concern to any student who intends to study for the degree and therefore, they should consider the chances of getting a better paying job or getting a promotion.

Curriculum Relevance:

When the Business Environment Changes Some observers have claimed that the conventional MBA curriculum could be incomplete in some ways. This brings the question of whether MBA programs are actually up to the challenge of current business environment into question for those who are thinking of pursuing this kind of education.

MBA vs. Experience:

Employers’ Values Lately, there is a trend that employers value practice more than academic achievements. This shift raises the question: Is work experience the better investment than going back to get an MBA?

MBA without the MBA:

As the world has shifted towards online education and certifications, business professionals have more ways to obtain their knowledge. Such programs tend to be more flexible and cheaper compared to the conventional MBA programs, thus threatening the MBA model.

Why Top MBA Programs are still Relevant Despite the challenges that are associated with the degrees, MBA degrees from the top MBA programs schools have a lot of value. The access to the networks, the status and the kind of training that one gets from the elite programs can be a great boost in one’s career.

MBA – a right decision for you?

When thinking about getting an MBA, it is important to know your objectives, the existing market demand and your circumstances. Do your homework, look for options and consider whether the pros fit into your career goals.

Curious to know more about the steps one may take to optimize his or her employment opportunities? Get in touch with us for individual consultation on the changing paradigm of business education and skills enhancement.

– The Author is Mr. Ajay Thiara, Founder and Managing Director of 360 College Review

Image Credit – Freepik

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